To meaningfully address learning loss, schools must use federal funds to reform education
May 27, 2021
By: Michael Watson, VP of Policy & Advocacy at New Classrooms
Our Vice President of Policy & Advocacy Michael Watson wrote an op-ed for K-12 Dive on meaningfully address learning loss with American Recovery Plan funds. In the op-ed, he writes:
“The work to transform education begins with changing the existing operating model itself and challenging the limitations of the predominant, age-based classroom. This will require the use of innovative learning models that are more focused on tailoring instruction to the unique strengths and needs of each student. An innovative learning model is a holistic, school-based program that integrates teachers and technology so schools can systematically support a personalized approach to education for each and every student. Model providers are not school managers, but they share in the accountability for student outcomes.
One thoughtful example of a state-led effort to reimagine schools and solve unfinished learning is the Innovation Zone initiative in Texas. Rather than invest in off-the-shelf solutions, the Texas Education Agency has built a comprehensive system to address learning loss that predates the pandemic. Instead of being focused on one-size-fits-all assessment and accountability policies, Texas’ Innovation Zones are student-centered, providing participating districts and schools with flexibility in how they measure learning growth.”