What we do
We develop and advocate for innovations that systematically meet students where they are and connect them to where they
need to be
We’re changing the century-old paradigm of schooling—where all same-aged students learn the same thing at the same time—to one that provides each and every student with an educational program more attuned to their unique strengths and needs.
Achieving this objective requires working with communities, schools, and state and federal leaders who are committed to modernizing our nation’s approach to schooling.

The value of tailored acceleration
In math, students are generally taught skills that correspond to their enrolled grade level, regardless of where they are starting from. Those who are behind tend to fall even further behind since math is cumulative and unfinished learning can readily accumulate. And those who are ahead can have a hard time accelerating further.
To overcome these challenges, we build solutions allowing students to experience tailored acceleration. It’s an approach focused on a personalized mix of pre-, on-, and post-grade skills designed to help each and every student catch up and get ahead.
And we do this while adhering to the principles of high expectations, rigorous accountability, and educational equity.
The shift to tailored acceleration
Our team is redefining possible in education by bringing about a shift to tailored acceleration in today’s classrooms. The innovative learning solutions our team develops and pilots nationwide, allow teachers to diagnose each student’s math understanding on a granular level, and provides each student with a pathway to proficiency.
But we’re not just working with district and school leaders. We’re speaking with members of state boards of education, members of Congress, and organizations that also recognize the need for a change in how our country does school. We are advocating for the changes in assessment and accountability practices required to allow for schools to adopt a tailored approach to teaching and learning.

Solution development
Our team of educators, technologists, and other experts
iterate to bring new solutions to life.

Policy and advocacy
We are shaping a policy landscape to enable bold innovations and approaches tailored to each student’s unique strengths and needs.

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