Letter in Support of the Developing and Advancing Innovative Learning Models Act
May 9, 2024
On May 9th, Representative Joe Morelle (NY-25) introduced the Developing and Advancing Innovative Learning Models Act, marking an important milestone in education innovation.
The legislation authorizes:
- $570 million in annual competitive funding to the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) over the next decade to support the creation of innovative learning models, enhance providers’ organizational capacity, and research their impact.
- $180 million in annual formula funding from the Department of Education will support the adoption of these models for states, school districts, and communities.
We are proud to support this landmark legislation. Please read our full letter of support for the Developing and Advancing Innovative Learning Models Act and join us and others by adding your organization through the form below.
Original cosponsor:
Representative David Trone (MD-06)
Representative Richie Torres (NY-15)
Representative Johnathan Jackson (IL-01)
Representative Jill Tokuda (HI-02)
The Honorable Joseph Morelle
570 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Representative Morelle,
We write in strong support of the Developing and Advancing Innovative Learning Models Act. This bill will create a much needed federal investment to address student learning recovery and allow schools and teachers to systemically support a personalized approach to education for every child.
For more than a century, a singular operating model has governed mainstream schooling in America. A failure to evolve and modernize this factory model – one that is oriented around teaching 25-30 same-aged students learning the same material at the same time – represents perhaps the most significant barrier to educational success. This model has made it nearly impossible for educators to meet the unique strengths and needs of each student in their classrooms. School disruptions in recent years have unfortunately only exacerbated these challenges, particularly for teachers, and the limitations of age-graded schooling can no longer be ignored.
It is critical that as a nation we begin to focus on a longer-term vision for schooling that more adequately helps students maximize their potential and meet the needs of the 21st century skilled workforce. But making the shift to student-centered learning is going to require a new type of coordinated effort centered on reimagining how the classroom can operate and then bringing that vision to life. We strongly believe that the federal government has an obligation to play a role in this paradigm shift.
The Developing and Advancing Innovative Learning Models Act will actively build capacity and support demand for innovative learning models, an approach to learning that looks beyond the age-based classroom to emphasize mastery in a subject through personalized learning. These models – which can be subject-specific, grade span-specific, or apply more broadly as innovative schools – enable a different way of ‘doing school’ in ways that drive both excellence and equity. As holistic, school-based programs, these models integrate teachers and technology such as Artificial Intelligence so that schools can systematically support a personalized approach to education. Innovative learning models are developed by organizations that leverage research and development and then partner with schools to support high-quality implementation.
Thank you for your leadership on this issue. This legislation will allow us to modernize the educational delivery model in ways that can truly deliver on both excellence and equity. We stand ready to help you in ensuring that it becomes a reality.
- Aurora Institute
- BeWell in School
- Big Picture Learning
- Brightways Learning
- Earth Force
- Education Reimagined
- EL Education
- Embark Education
- Envision Education
- Educators for Excellence (E4E)
- Fugees Family
- GALS Denver
- IPSquared
- Internationals Network
- Kirsten Baesler, State Superintendent of Schools, North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
- Lewis Poche Education Consulting
- MathBonds
- Maureen Joy Charter School
- National Association of Charter School Authorizers
- New Classrooms
- NxU
- Out Teach
- Portal Learning
- Project Invent
- Public Impact
- Revolution School
- Saga Education
- The Calculus Project
- The Learning Accelerator
- The Primary School
- The QUESTion Project
- Transcend