Only Out Of The Box Solutions Will Tackle Root Cause Of What Ails Schools
November 2, 2022 |
In his Forbes response to the tragic NAEP results released in October 2022, Michael B. Horn pinpointed the issue facing schools and students in this country: “today’s schools were not built to maximize each and every student’s learning.” Horn enumerates the solutions that have been proposed in the past, including tutoring, summer school, and longer school days. These suggestions build on a faulty foundation of school, based in the industrial paradigm, and limit the exploration needed into accelerating learning for each and every student. Horn says,
“Just weeks earlier, a new report titled Out of the Box, along with an accompanying afternoon of virtual programming, sought to introduce a way to change that reality through the use of ‘innovative model providers’ to shift us away from the current paradigm of schooling and ‘support school communities in actualizing the visions they set forth.'”
Horn goes on to support Out of the Box‘s argument that more investment and capacity in research and development is needed in order to reinvent schools:
“And by schools looking for solutions to specific problems from innovative model providers—organizations like New Classrooms, Valor Collegiate, Gradient Learning and EL Education—they would stimulate more demand for research and development.”
Read the full Forbes article here, and download your copy of Out of the Box: How Innovative Learning Models Can Transform K-12 Education.